
How AI Powered Customer Segmentation Can Drive Customer Engagement in Travel Industry – Explained!

Companies across multiple industries have been extensively analysing target market segments to reach the right customers with highly customized messaging for decades. Artificial Intelligence or AI has inspired many travel or hospitality businesses to bring a transformation in their strategy and the industry are now rethinking segmentation strategies to deliver actionable segmentations in the most

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New Age Forecasting using AI Technology Applications in the Travel Industry

Making accurate forecasts has always been a pain point for businesses. But with artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), which is extensively applied in the travel industry and its ancillaries can help business forecast to make specific predictions to achieve your business goal with large amount of data such as customer behaviour, price trends, season, upcoming events andinventory from

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Next Gen Travel Intelligence Platform to Increase Revenue

The Travel industry is constantly evolving, and so should you. However, this year due to the global pandemic, the trends will shape up the industry differently. Today you need to embrace agile methods of both Data Visualisation as well as Data usage to extract hidden trends and valuable travel insights where quick insights and responses

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AI Embedded Next Gen Travel Search and Booking Intelligence Platform

AI Embedded Next Gen Travel Search and Booking Intelligence Platform to improve conversions and make streamlined decisions With the technological advancements in recent times, the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and data analysis have disrupted the travel industry. Travel companies are now integrating AI technology in their search and booking platforms to remain competitive, improve

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TRAVELYTIX AI Powered BI Dashboard, Analytics For Travel

In the era of AI, businesses must be smart about how they deploy analytics tools to derive deeply valuable insights about their customers.
Travel companies are actively investing in new era technologies and implementing AI Algorithms to extract intelligent insights out of the wealth of available data and transform them into new age experience for their customers.
Analytx4t AI powered TRAVELYTIX Engine help travel companies with a holistic 360 view of their business health via dashboard view and reports which further facilitates monitoring and decision making by extracting detailed meaningful actionable insights in real-time on Client Management, Product Management, Demand and Sales Forecasting.
It Allow you to understand how you can use our own universe of data to improve business. It tells about how the business is doing and how to find trends to make sensible business decision.

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The Future of Travel Innovation in the era of economic crisis

COVID-19 is a global pandemic that has gripped the world today and its effects are quite adverse. The business landscape has changed fundamentally and tomorrow will demand restructuring. Even after all of this, one need not worry as businesses should be ready for the coming recession and leverage this time as an opportunity to analyse

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Nothing Last Forever !! Stay Charged and Stay Positive

Nothing last forever !! Even this pandemic will pass. Stay charged, positive and motivated.

Pre Plan for the next move.
Don’t slow down your Momentum and get ready to Recover from the unexpected damage.

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